Two Micro Poems – Shira Dentz

Questions on looking up

Is a bug catcher like a baseball mitt?
Are ceiling streaks of bug residue
a calligraphy
stroked by a mop,
a map of pandemic times?


it’s night and the calla lily
in the window is a light bulb
with a hood,
its pistil’s tiny flame
flickering like loss.

Shira Dentz is the author of five books including SISYPHUSINA (PANK Books; winner of the Eugene Paul Nassar Prize 2021), and two chapbooks including FLOUNDERS (Essay Press). Her writing appears in many places including Poetry, American Poetry Review, Cincinnati Review, Iowa Review, Gulf Coast, jubilat, Pleiades, New American Writing, Brooklyn Rail,, Poetry Daily, Verse Daily,, and NPR, and she’s a recipient of awards including an Academy of American Poets Prize and Poetry Society of America’s Lyric Poem and Cecil Hemley Awards. Twitter: @DentzShira

Art: Meditation/Moon, an image by Robert Frede Kenter (c) 2023. Twitter: @frede_kenter, IG: r.f.k.vispocityshuffle

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