Photos and Collages – M.S. Evans

Photo of a store mannequin, female, outside in the back alley, near garbage. Old brick and old wood houses, Butte, Montana.
A collage piece of child coal miners in Wales with the text Labor
Part-time    Full-time affixed.  Black and white/sepia.
photo of burnt out trees, denuded, by a lake shore, mountains behind, cloudy sky with blue patches, a shimmer on the lake. A sense of an abandoned site.
Text: Full-time at top. At bottom Working People. A collage of various 'images' of female and male labor --Top left  a black father looking at his baby, on the right a poor woman with daughter on knee -- black and white, old photo, bottom left, a black female doll at a toy cooking stove, on right a well dressed white woman modeling cookware and furniture. Dialectics and juxtapositions of economic status and power.
A printed poster with words 
bordered in red
2 circled stamps of agitated red cat inbetween words. Sepia/tan poster . Words in black block text, old font.
A Collage of cut out transparencies of Engels on left, Marx on right -- in a diagonal relationship, a blue-green typewriter beneath -- faded.
Dignity of Labor -- a colllage. A older woman holding a cooking pot, she is wearing a black mask-hoodie, a blue-white poncho, with grey. She is standing in front of collage elements:   small gold fragments, and an old drawing wall sized that says "dignity of labor" and has black and white line drawing of factory on right, field on left.

M.S. Evans is a widely published poet, photographer and collage artist, and the author of the book Nights on the Line (Black Bough, 2022 Link at: ( She is a co-editor/reader of the Work and the Anthropocene Project at Ice Floe Press, and has appeared previously in our journals and in The Pandemic Anthology: Love and other Affinities (Ice Floe Press, 2022). Twitter: @SeaNettleInk

Layout/page design: Robert Frede Kenter Twitter: @frede_kenter

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