Three Visual Poems – Arden Hunter


planes and layers of images - rooms, abstract shapes, brown/grey/dark brown/umber/sand color/ink blue -- shapes, forms, colliding, vectors and convergences.


TEXT: FEED ME YOUR MOLTEN JEALOUSY (block letters from top to bottom of image
bright yellows, oranges. reds, abstract, reference to feathers and wings, ascending-descending visual composition


Text: GRANT ME YOUR BLESSED PUNISHMENT. Again, block letters different sizes.
Image collage of layers: eyes, field/grass, abstract planes
colours: shades of red, green blue, brown.

Author photo/a visual poem of Arden in shades of green with mauve flying see through horizontal-rectangle over their face, wearing glasses, eyes prominent, wide and smiling ironic.

Bio: Arden Hunter is an ND aroace agender writer, artist and performer. With an eclectic range of interests from the horrific to the whimsical, the theme tying all of their work together is an inexplicable and unconditional love of the ridiculous beast that is called ‘human’. Arden has three books coming out this year: ‘Pull Yourself Together’, a collection of poetry through Alien Buddha Press, ‘Drifting Bottles’, an erasure/collage/narrative hybrid through Gutslut Press, and ‘Stop Fidgeting‘, a vispo/concrete/ekphrasis collection forthcoming soon from Ice Floe Press (2023). They also run a free online generative writing workshop twice a month and anyone is welcome to join. They are the EIC of the new journal: Cutbow Quarterly @CutbowQ. Find them on Twitter @hunterarden, Instagram @thegardenofarden and at

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