The Report – A Poem by Sue Finch

The Report

Read it only once.
If you have to, twice.

Then be like those who let it fall
behind their fridges
or do not notice it slip
under an old cupboard.

Do not miss it.

Let it become a tray
for curls of light purple fluff,

Let it jaundice with age
there in the dark
so that hands flinch from its dryness
as aged ink and dirt deaden fingerprints.

Let it hold nothing anymore
except the clearly hinged leg of a spider.

Let no one say
these words represent your whole life’s work.
Know you are more than this.

Sue Finch’s first collection, ‘Magnifying Glass’, was published in 2020. Her work has also appeared in a number of online magazines. She loves the coast, peculiar things and the scent of ice-cream freezers. You can often find her on Twitter @soopoftheday.

Art: Cyclonic Details, a visual collage by Robert Frede Kenter (c) 2023. Twitter: @frede_kenter

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