from ‘conjure’ – a work-in-progress by Kate Siklosi (on process & completed work)

I’m currently experimenting with a project I’m calling conjure, which features work created in petri dishes with water, ink, fragments from the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and various found objects. After each instance, I dump the contents of the petri dish into my sink and try something new. This series shows a finished piece from that project, as well as snaps of my work in progress. This work of experimenting with my hands, of indulging in hand to object care and contact, is the way by which I process and work through the complexities of our world and my being in it. Here is the work of that work, the muck of these conjurations, the failures, the tries again, everything and the kitchen sink.

Kate Siklosi lives, writes, creates, and thinks in Dish With One Spoon Territory / Toronto, Canada. She has published six chapbooks of poetry and recently, the full-length collection, leavings (Timglaset, 2021), now in its second edition. A new book,  selvage, is forthcoming from (Invisible, 2023). Her critical and creative work has been featured in various magazines, journals, and small press publications across North America, Europe, and the UK. She is also a co-founding editor of Gap Riot Press, a neat little feminist experimental poetry press, and is the curator of the Small Press Map of Canada. Twitter: @SiklosiK

Layout & page design: Robert Frede Kenter. Twitter: @frede_kenter

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