3 Poems and 4 Images – Constance Bacchus

going 15 on 174


it’s the moon

wondering when is a
road just a road & you
stop seeing grand coulee
suddenly in everett on
I-5 rush hour plane
traffic & people heading
home from jobs
at schools, all cranky
& it’s 100 degrees in
august in central washington
but worth it, so it’s a
drive & drink the view

going to work, fall 2020

when driving that way
I think
I don’t like graded roads

dust rising behind
15 miles is fast, layers
ravens gather along

in pairs, pointing at
cut hay, golden, pretend

the horizon line so sharp
cuts off the river, the lake
the white bird w/long

slim neck looking
like a bleached egret,
the cattails hanging

out in places they didn’t
know were theirs
the highway doing her
workout, rubberbanding

the sky can’t be trimmed,
suspends blue & alabaster
above gold, gold, gold

there was a deer once, also in the grapes

in the yard I help to water no one lives
birds take refuge in grape leaves

the lilac is fenced in the corner, half-alive
snakes, like birds

if you let water soak in for an hour, birds show
sit on the fence,
go to their houses

underbrush paths are broken, golden, powdered

there is an upside-down fishing boat,
a sm cinderblock cottage, w/its own
portals stacked inside

& if the grass is fresh cut, it smells like fresh hay, draws honey bees, sprinklers set on their own
don’t reach the peach
tree, it might be a lovely vacation house, a cabin, an idea of open doors & pathways, of what
heaven looks like, a birdbath w/ rock walks, apricot trees, hazelnuts, almond

Constance Bacchus currently lives with her daughter in the Columbia Basin of  Washington state. Last year she worked for the census during wildfire season and this year she is in the library. Her poetry can be found in various literary journals including  Feral, Selcouth Station, Cirque JournalDreich Broad ReviewPermafrost Journal, Blue River Review and Salmon Creek Journal. Her newest book is divorcing flowers (Alien Buddha Press, 2021) although she does have others including Secret Dam Things. Twitter: @bconnie509

Page design & layout: Robert Frede Kenter. Twitter: @frede_kenter

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