the adventures of char vol. #1 – Whiskey Radish


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Many of Whiskey Radish’s main characters and alter-egos, from Char herself to You and Slimbo the Dog, are now available in this, Whiskey’s first full length 160 + page book. Whiskey’s work is full of insights into the foilbles and manners of life, work, sex and gender, music, creativity and the meaning of life itself. Enjoy all new adventures together in one place. A timeless book for our times, past times, future times, alien times.

IMAGINATION (c) 2021 Whiskey Radish


Part art gallery, part fairy tale, part jazz concert, and part tour de force—this new one by Whiskey Radish is all color and joy. If a pink room can sedate, each of these micro doses of rainbow can set your mind alight.  These frames talk truth but talk it slant with laughter and longing and a whole lot of swing. Leave your seat to take a dance with this one. You’ll love its moves.” – Jack B. Bedell, author of Color All Maps New, Poet Laureate, State of Louisiana, 2017-2019

“A collection of highly entertaining, intriguing stories and images from a super-creative mind; much like jazz improv moments captured in a snapshot …” – Thaddeus Hogarth: musician, professor, author, recording artist.

For Char

In the
lines of hollow of words
what color
where then words   vernable signs of meaning
floor boards
Lines of meaning
What sense do signs
Refuse themself
in the words

Serge Gavronsky, poet and translator, professor emeritus at Barnard College, NY.

“…an utterly delightful, singularly imaginative and category-defying book that conjures an indelible, fantastic world from paintings, bits of story, poem and aphorism; a world that stays with you long after you close.” – Erin Belieu, poet, author of Come-Hither Honeycomb.


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