James Knight – CELLS 2 & 7 (Visual Poems)


Grid topographies of blood coloured cells, circles, lines, morphing shapes. Thick patches, negative space, hollowed lines, intimations of fish, teeth, landscapes, sonar -- moving, drifting, morphing.


Grid topographies of blood coloured cells, circles, lines, morphing shapes. Thick patches, negative space, hollowed lines, intimations of fish, teeth, landscapes, sonar -- moving, drifting, morphing, shifting alternative tectonics an atlas of kinetic sound pulse.

James Knight is a poet, artist and performer based in the UK. Recent books include The Murderer Threatened (Paper View Books), Frozen Meat (Sweat Drenched Press) and Cosmic Horror (Hem Press). Twitter: @badbadpoet. Website: thebirdking.com. Instagram: @jkbirdking.

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