Alexandra Weiss – the last winter, a hybrid

Panel left 
sun drenched mountain with  yucca surrounding a fallen old tree, half in shadow on desert sandstone

Panel Right 
sprawl of prickly pear cactus paddles with occasional red fruits and branches in background
Panel Left:
gnarled bare ponderosa on sunny mountain slope surrounded by desert brush, chimesa and pine

Panel Right: 
hiking trail shifting from bare wet sand to snow with sparse pines and mountains in the background under cloudy winter skies
Panel Left
snow-filled arroyo with ponderosa trunk, branches, shadow sparkling in the sun. 

Panel Right: 
bare tree with branches laden with snowfall, clear sky and sun casting shadows on the cold ground

Alexandra Weiss writes in Chicago, where their apartment is slowly being taken over by houseplants. They blog for The Collective for Radical Death Studies, edit for Another Chicago Magazine, and can be found on twitter @cactus_ghoul.

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