Robert Frede Kenter

Robert Frede Kenter is the publisher, midwife and professor emeritus of Ice Floe Press in its various incarnations. A poet, playwright, essayist, editor, collaborator and generator of hybrid texts, he is also a visual artist who loves to manipulate photo-based images and produces obtuse drawings. He has traveled extensively, survived chronic illness, disappeared into ghost worlds and healed from acute accidents.  His poetry and art has been widely published both in both online and print journals, and has also been published in anthologies by Gutter Press, Mosaic Press, and others including Playwrights Union of Canada. He studied theater with the Talking Band and the Wooster Group, has had performance work produced in Toronto, New York, San Francisco, and has been the recipient of grants and awards from Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council, Poets & Writers, Inc. He looks forward to numerous meanderings and elegant pathways towards continuing mordant & furious undertones.  Connect with him @frede_kenter on Twitter

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